Does Your Gym Offer Nutrition Solutions?

Most Fitness Professionals aren’t qualified to write up Meal Plans – it is outside their “scope of practice”. However, some have the formal education, and others use software to circumvent the issue. What should you know about the information you receive regarding your Nutrition?

3 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Today we’re talking about eating habits/schedules. Consider the age-old adage of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, and when we’re ‘supposed’ to eat. Well, now you’ll want to open your mind to the idea of adjusting all of that and amending your “feeding times” in a bid for a healthier body! Read on for more…

Omega-7: The Healthy Fat You’ve Never Heard Of

Recently, we’ve been digging up some of the more obscure gems of health and nutrition, so I’m not bucking that trend today. Omega-7 – chances are, you already have it in your diet; but what are the best sources? How much should you aim to get in a day? And – most importantly – what are the benefits to your health? Tuck into today’s post for more…

HMB – Heavily Overlooked, Massively Underrated

My second CXP Edge article delves headlong into one of the more obscure supplements on the market: HMB. In my last post about supplements, I gave you my Top Five – this one definitely snags the sixth spot if I were to extend the list! If you’re looking to drop bodyfat, but anxious about losing muscle, then read this post to put your mind at ease. HMB is the “supplement wingman” you’ll be needing!

The Misconception of Calories

Today touches upon the taboo of calories! The food industry masks them with “zeros”, and the vast majority of us are so über-concerned about them that restricting them becomes an obsession… Well, I’m here to clear up some of the confusion. In the Sales Industry they have a thing called “KYE” (‘Know Your Enemy’); as the age old adage goes – ‘Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’. If calories are the enemy, then let’s get to know them inside and out, then that way we might be able to use them to our advantage! But seriously – war-strategy-puns aside – I want to help you better understand calories in a way that we start to appreciate them rather than fear them. Read on for more…

My Blog Post for TEDx Folkestone

As someone who used to suffer from Type II Diabetes, I managed to figure out some simple ways to better understand the condition, and over the period of a couple of years, even reverse it entirely. Several years later, and I have since gone on to become a Specialist on the subject as well as a top calibre Master Personal Trainer. In this post I share three of my key insights in the hope that it may help others and maybe make a difference in someone’s life. This blog post was written for TEDx Folkestone, and as my debut post, I’m excited to share it with the world.